A NY State Certified Woman Owned Business Enterprise (WBE)
Subsurface Exploration, Sampling and Testing Services
CME provides subsurface exploration, sampling and testing to the geotechnical and environmental professional community. Subsurface Exploration and Testing, Instrumentation Installation and Subsurface Materials Sampling are conducted by well-trained and experienced CME personnel using late model, dependable, well-maintained CME equipment. CME has completed projects on land, over water and indoors using low-overhead and specialized-use equipment.
CME routinely provides the following Subsurface Exploration and Sampling Services:
Test Borings, Standard Penetration Testing
Hollow Stem Auger Borings
Diamond Core Drilling
Cased Borings and Mud-Rotary Drilling
Undisturbed Shelby and Piston Tube Sampling
Vane Shear Testing
All-Terrain Vehicle (track and high floatation tire) Mounted Drill Machines
Earth Resistivity Testing
Seismic Exploration and Testing
Surface and Subsurface Settlement Point Installation
Infiltration Testing per NYS SWMD Manual, Appendix D
Geotechnical Instrumentation Installation
Rock Bolt, Rock Anchor & PT Anchor Installation
Bolt and Anchor Load and Pull Tests
CBR, Plate Bearing and Subgrade Modulus Testing
Site Characterization and Summary Reports
Pump and Packer Testing, Drawdown Tests and Permeability Testing
Well and Piezometer Installation and Decommissioning
Downhole Shear Wave Velocity Testing
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Testing
Percolation Testing per NYDOH Standards
Truck, Skid and Trailer Mounted Drill Machines